What Can We Do?
Ikonic offers a wide range of services that are specifically tailored to meet each
client’s individual needs and budget.
We are committed to carefully listening to understand and successfully capture your organization’s story, voice, and vision.
We will work specifically within your guidelines or help you develop, stylize, and build you own branding profile.
Communications &
Public Relations
- Newsletters
- Annual Reports
- Brochures & Flyers
- Social Media Ads &
Posts - Press Releases
- Copy Editing
- Communication
Plans - Media Buys & Placement
- Advertising
- Article Writing
Creative Services
- Graphic Design
- Website Design &
Development - Logos
- Branding
- Promotional Merchandise
- Copy Writing
- Messaging
- Customized PowerPoints
- Multi-Media Ads
- Post-Up Stands
- Signs & Banners
Business Solutions
- Social Media
Management - Domain Registration
& Renewals - Website Hosting
- Site Maintenance
- Business Forms Development
- PDF Conversions
- Marketing Plans
- 8a Start-up Branding
Packages - Capabilities Statements
- Cultural
Communications - ANCSA Election Support
- Policies & Procedures
- Shareholder Relations
- Annual Meeting Planning
- Grant Writing
- Survey Design

Our Commitment to
As a 100% Alaska Native owned and operated small business,
Ikonic has first-hand knowledge of the importance of cultural
consideration when developing designs, branding, and logos.
We are experts on incorporating traditional values into
messaging and tailoring copy to your organization’s unique
Indigenous voice. Ikonic understand that it is most powerful and
effective when Native people are in control of telling their own
Ikonic has significant hands-on experience working
within the unique and often complex relationships
that comprise Alaska Native and tribal organizations.
From this first-hand knowledge, we are comfortable
working with tribal leaders, business executives,
employees, boards of directors, and subsidiary

Ikonic has a track record of successfully managing the unique dynamics of
tribal organizations and businesses.